[14] Another day, he stopped by King Kai's Planet, which was larger at the time. If she appeared on the horizon, you'd be totally screwed. FATALITIES: However, Beerus is hotheaded and somewhat selfish and can become easily angered over trivial matters, such as being beaten in a game of Hide-and-Seek, being served greasy food, or being denied pudding. Beerus getting "super angry" after being blasted in the face with water by Trunks. this theme is truly fitting for a Destroyer. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Wiz: Anyway, everything in the universe possesses a form of crystallized life force called a Star Seed. They collide yet again and the impact sends both of them flying into two different planets that are somehow not affected by the supernova. As powerful and feared as Beerus has become in his eons as a deity, his power is not truly supreme, as he openly states that Whis, his martial arts teacher, is superior in power. This light reached the edge of the universe in four seconds, putting it at 360 quadrillion times lightspeed. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. LoboGuara5bruxaria/My Favorites Death Battles, 'Battle of the Genders' themed Death Battles, Protagonist vs Antagonist themed Death Battles, Anti-Hero vs Villain themed Death Battles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Battle Royale, Danny Phantom VS American Dragon Jake Long, https://deathbattle.fandom.com/wiki/Beerus_VS_Sailor_Galaxia?oldid=1097105, The connections between Beerus and Sailor Galaxia are that they are both beings of destruction with Egyptian motifs, have similar egotistical personalities, and have destroyed planets and star systems, ending countless lives. Whis used his Do-over ability for Gokou to kill Freeza. (vs. Hulk) “As you can see, I do far more than just ‘smash’, dull creature.” (vs. (Beerus gathers violet energy around his body as Galaxia gathers golden energy around hers. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Beerus questioned Zamasu's visit with the sage, Zuno, and the latter responded saying watching the tournament with the 6th Universe piqued his interest. And, if our last clash is anything to go by, you’ve given me no reason to speak highly of you. God of Destruction Beerus[3][4][5] is the God of Destruction of the Seventh Universe. (vs. Kirby) “Be glad I chose not to destroy you for your gluttony, creature.” He observes the fight between Top, Android 17, and Frieza, advising his team members of various dangers. Beerus threatens Bulma by holding out a ki blast for Bulma to get the sundae. This is not totally congruent within the manga, but still similar. Some of them are even trained by the most dangerous creatures in the world, cats. [37] A while later, Beerus and the others were informed by Trunks when the time machine returned with Gokou and Vegeta. When Vegeta and Goku come in to change his sheets, Beerus attacks Goku several times while he's sleeping. The God of Destruction returns the favor right back and responds with a slap of his own, only his is much harder. Beerus and Whis then appear on Earth with Shin to tell Goku and the others about Zamasu visiting Zuno. Sailor Galaxia: For this fight belongs to Sailor Galaxia! However, Shin stated he was able to use Kaikai to reach the planet. Costume 5: Goku’s Training Gi. When Beerus finally attack, a simple finger flick launched Goku across the entire planet. It was likely because of this and the Saiyan's arrogant attitude that Beerus told Frieza to destroy Planet Vegeta, as he felt that destroying it himself was too much of a bother, thus Beerus himself was partially responsible for the Genocide of the Saiyans, though Frieza ultimately destroyed the Saiyans for his own reasons. Beerus points out to Goku that Super Saiyan God's time limit ran out some time ago and that Goku did not notice because he was able to absorb the Super Saiyan God power into his body while he was fighting. Beerus getting annoyed at his nap being interrupted.
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