If it is a blockage then a warm bath and massage can help free up the rest of the stool inside. So what if it has a lot of liquid around it? A urate plug can cause a partial or full blockage for your beardie, so it is important to pay attention to it's bathroom habits to ensure everything is being expelled easily. Copyright BeardedDragonGuru.com 2020. Different problems can cause blood to appear in the bearded dragon poop, some are relatively harmless whilst others indicate a significant health risk. Is it too mushy? If the entire poop is runny including the urate, then this could be a sign of two things. For example, soft stools with a bad odor can be caused by a bacterial infection, parasites, contaminated food, or various types of internal disease. Making fantastic pets for both children and adults alike, they each have their own personality and are certainly full of character. Is it too smelly? Seeing blood inside your poor beardies stool is an alarming sight and may need to be addressed with the help of a vet but it is a good idea to wait for another 2 to 3 poops to see if the stool normalizes. In this article, you’ll learn everything dragon-poop related including why understanding poop helps you become a better-bearded dragon owner, what is normal and what warning signs to watch out for. How often a dragon poops very much depends on how often it eats, how much it eats and how long it basks. This is essential. Making fantastic pets for both children and adults alike, they each have their own personality and are certainly full of character. It is recommended that the food pieces you feed your beardie should be no larger than the gap between your beardie’s eyes. The tip of my beardies urate is yellow, i only noticed today and i dunno if its normal. Urates can also be pinkish in color or partly hard and partly soft. When you own a Bearded Dragon, the subject of poop is one that seems to come up with quite some frequency. Picking it up feels like a piece of chalk and he gets very dark and upset about an hour before he poops so I'm guessing it's quite uncomfortable. However, if coccidia (or another parasite) is the cause then it needs to be addressed since diarrhea can severely dehydrate and deplete resources in the body. Gently massage and stroke their belly in a downward motion towards the vent, do this for 10 minutes. There is a brown part of the feces and that is produced by the same basic process as mammals. You should also check the temperature and humidity of the habitat and ensure that they are at the optimum levels. Once they get comfortable in their new surroundings they will resume their normal pooping. If it is constipation (or even impaction) look for things like: This could very well mean that there is a blockage inside the intestines and needs to be dealt with quickly either by using the warm bath method. There are, though, some important things that we should all know when it comes to caring for these amazing animals! Just like all other plants,…. The white part should be soft, if it is hard and “chalky” then your dragon is dehydrated and needs more water. On the other hand, they can also indicate a very serious health problem. Fill the sink or tub up to their shoulders. Yes, each dragon will have their own “rhythm” when it comes to this sort of thing, some dragons will sit way outside of these numbers but you will get used to your dragons schedule. The white part is the “urate” (urine) while the brown part is the poo. The longer it's been, the bigger and harder the urate can be. Click on the links! This is usually a sign of dehydration and occurs because your bearded dragon’s body is forced to save water. Another sign of dehydration is sunken in eyes thick saliva if you’re feeding your dragon and you see that their saliva stringy then it’s time to give them a drink. Keep in mind that your dragon will require at least 10 – 12 hours of UVA and UVB radiation every day. If they are acting normally then there is nothing to worry about but I will admit, this is stressful and hard to keep a cool head especially if it’s been more than a week. Bathing your beardie in water for 15 minutes up to their shoulders is another great way to ensure they remain hydrated. Over-hydration will cause runny poop and this will typically come from feeding your beardie too many water-heavy leafy greens. This typically means that your dragon is not well hydrated or that it has too much calcium in the diet. Sometimes your beardie's poop may be accompanied by a body of liquid. Pet Trade Accounts & Rescue Groups Policy. There are two observations to monitor here, the urate should be a soft consistency however if it is runny or it is rocky and hard this could indicate two different things. One of the most important things you need to understand is that bearded dragons, produce stools that are a little different from a dog or cat. During this period of around 3 months (this time frame can vary wildly) your beardie won’t really be interested in much at all which catches a lot of new beardie owners off-guard. Unfortunately, reptiles are often stoic animals, meaning they don’t show any obvious signs of disease. Here are a couple of tips to help your dragon re-hydrate: If your dragon’s poop is all white or even runny it most likely means that your dragon is overly-hydrated and is no real concern for alarm as it is just urine. An adult beardie will go between 1 to 7 times per week is completely normal but I’ve heard of adult dragons that sit outside of these numbers as there are variables that influence your beardies pooping habits. Keep reading to find out what they mean. If the urate part of the poop is yellow then this can be a sign that your beardie is getting too much calcium, if you are using calcium supplements then this could be an indication that you are using too much. Knowing what a healthy bearded dragon poop looks like can be valuable knowledge for a beardie owner. Either your beardie is over hydrated and has eaten high fiber foods or (if the poop smells bad) it could be a sign of a parasite or intestinal infection. But today I accually looked at his poop and saw yellow on the urate.
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