Home. Good for early chapters; replace it later. Eyvind was surprisingly good, his mend kept my tank-heavy Raven crew healthy while the troll stones kept my backline safe, and even served as a way to ping Stonesingers about to apply their buff when combined with the lightning horn. Egil: (S) Egil’s high score stems from his insane active which is almost essential in high difficulty battles. Included are the best and strongest styles in the game, the best styles for each role, and brief information on each's characteristics, skills, and abilities. First, you need to select the "Shoot it with an arrow" dialogue option, and then "Stop thinking! I gave him the +strength -armor title and an item that refilled his willpower on every kill, so was a very mobile glass canon. Personally, though, I prefer making other characters provoke aggro instead, as those items typically come with additional side effects. Obtained through purchase, trade, gifting and sheer dumb luck, the many items of The Banner Saga are good for one thing: enhancing your characters. I bet I missed at least one. Some make them stronger, some make them tougher, some make them less noticeable, some even heal their wounds between rounds. Bring the Pain (active) is useful when you want to attack the enemies' armor points. same as you I used Alette overwatch(rank 3) with item to improve range+knockback and have Aleo use skill on her so when her kill targer with overwatch will received 1 will power also use Egil to shield guard with item +AGGRO and have one attacker(Varl or Horsebone) for finished damage. I'm not sure if I'd bother with it if you have, say, Eyvind in your party all the time, but still. Here's to hoping both Valgard and Onef find their way back into the story for BS3 (and he doesn't betray us again). It will come in handy against Bellower. It's nice that you put Yrsa up top; an easily overlooked glass cannon especially considering the many high-break items that pair well with her. This subreddit is an unofficial community for its fans. Unfortunately for our favorite prince, there are none available in his part of the campaign! Castaway - pretty decent ranged stats and 3 aoe damage and break is good, while eggs at least provide a distraction for enemies and steal someone's turn. Cheats. It really is a shame because his ability “Run Through” is extremely useful. Copyright © 2000 - 2020 GRY-Online S.A. for gamepressure.com, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. Capable of either setting up a killing blow or performing the deed himself, Rook is the most versatile human in the game. Items are a good thing, and you'd be nuts not to take advantage of each character's item slot. Yrsa's mah girl. Please note that information on this page is roughly translated from Japanese sources. Battering Ram (active) isn't really useful. I had him up to 15 with all 5 titles and he died on me. Basically the best straight up fighter in the whole game. Return the Favor (passive) takes 1 point of armor from every enemy that attacks Fasolt. This is a list of the playable (heroes) and non-playable characters (NPC) that you will encounter in The Banner Saga. (Check the above tier list). Mogun: (C+) I consider ARM to be better on thrashers than STR, so I would use Hogun over Mogun. I like giving Farthingjord to either Rook or Iver, both of whom are already pretty good at busting through Armor scores. Rook: (S+) The most mobile character in the game along with Eirik, Rook touts the highest STR of all the ranged characters as well as an impressive 3 BRK. Honest question: What the heck is "S Tier?". Tempest (active) attacks several enemies close to Sigbjorn but you have to be careful because it may also harm your allies. Oli has got no chance of out-drinking my liver, regardless of what he wants you to think. the ones that you will have a chance to use as units in turn based combat. Griss: (A-) Stat-wise, Griss is only second to Iver. The two new abilities he has access to in game 2 makes him one of the strongest human heroes in the game, but I don't remember it being particularly game-breaking, and definitely not to the same extent as Alette. If so, let me know in the comments. Now Playing. Eirik is a good support guy, his mobility let him dance around the front lines to lend aid where needed, while his track made him able to create impassible choke points, and his willpower restoring move kept my fighters dishing out maximum damage. Man, this list makes me want to replay 1 for a better file to carry over to 2 and 3. Wish List. You'll receive a hint from a merchant about a house in Low Town where something of his is being kept. Stone Wall (active) is purely defensive because Egil will "absorb" attacks (to a certain point). Exos Heroes. Keeping that in mind though, the human-hating varl is useful for short times he's available, and touts the highest ARM in the game. Your defensive characters will love this one. don't bother, unless you get it for free and don't have any other items equipped. More about this, at the page entitled "Skogr". Bad in small parties as it reduces effectiveness of overwatch. you cannot have both) as a result of the events in the first game. Guts is able to deal AoE buffable damage which is devastating if positioned correctly. Questions. They deserve it. Note that items listed as 'Purchased' can also be found by stretching out Wars against dredge. Acquired: Held by Sigbjorn if / when he's recruited in Chapter Seven. Guides. Can finish off isolated enemies well enough too. A great item for your archers, particularly if you can get it for free. All rights reserved. Yeah I think /u/Nafeij is right. The Banner Saga > General Discussions > Topic Details. Defensive players who rely on archers for the bulk of the damage output should appreciate Haldan's Razor. Nid: (B) Nid seems to be one of the more underrated characters from what I’ve seen online. That kinda makes her not great, but confuse can mess up enemy formations really bad while doing good damage and she's a decent tank that can revive helself and be surprisingly durable with the right titles and items (anything boosting movement is good for speeding up revival, while resists and willpower regen are good for tanking). Alette - overwatch is really strong and has a lot of synergies such as knockback + the wolf + lucky shot or bloodletter. You will only have the chance to talk with them, i.e. © Valve Corporation. I'll try to find his stats. Extremely high armor stats, high break, excellent active and passive make him a must-have in any play-through. All Heroes from the first and second parts of the game are available, provided they survived, with the exception of Onef, Bolverk and Nikels. Style Tier List. The chart below shows all the characters that may join your party (permanently, for some time or just for a moment). Ooo, that's fantastic. He's a true hero. Excuse my nitpicking, but how is Eirik overpowered? All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Rook - Great stats and mobility (for an archer), Mark Prey can be devastating with some setup and Pillage allows you to not suffer initiative wise for focusing down enemies 1 by 1 or using summons with Eirik and Petrus for 8 unit party. If you think my opinion on a character is shite, let me know in the comments, I would love to hear your thoughts. Yvind, for example, is a shoo-in for a Ring of the Wolf. View source. Ekkill may join the party in the 4th or 6th chapter if you let him. Oli with high crit and repeat bonus damage is amazing. The story unfolds through the point of view (POV) of a hero or NPC. I’m just curious to see how you guys would rate the characters from the Rook/Alette and Darkness parts. Handy for Willpower-heavy characters, but it gets quickly outclassed by better items. Really depends on the build and the party comp you use them in, but assuming they're used at their best: Tier 1: Ubin, Alette, Morgr, Petrus, Egil, Eirik, Rook, Canary, Zefr, Tier 2: Yrsa, Oddleif, Nid, Derdriu, Ro'ech, Scathach, Aleo, Ekkil, Gudmundr, Hakon, Gunnulf, Ludin, Tryggvi, Bastion, Tier 3: Griss, Fasolt (story reasons), Hogun. Shield Wall (passive) lets you increase defence when he stands close to an ally. You won't get many battles in which to use this item, but it may just be worth keeping if you aren't pressed for supplies. The player needs to make allies as … Eyvind - best Mend user in the game with the best will cap, lightnings can be devastating in the right circumstances and troll stones are great for blocking enemy advance. Alfrun - theoretically her heal should be great, but low will cap and lack of range make it not worth it for taking a slot in a party. Edit: Put in Shieldbanger from the beginning of the game. Along your way to Frostvellr the caravan will stop…
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