The wage revision for public sector bank officers, which has been pending since 2017, has been finalised and signed by the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) and … Based on our past experience we try to give a brief outline about how the negotiations will shape up between UFBU (United forum of Bank Unions) and IBA (Indian Banks Association) in the past. Bank employees’ delegation submits memorandum through Governor. Dear Comrades, WAGE REVISION TALKS WITH IBA. A special allowance for all was introduced during the previous wage revision as a remuneration for performing additional duties within a bank, Chaudhary informed. NEW DELHI, Nov 6: The Indian Banks' Association has called a meeting in its Cuffe Parade, Mumbai, office on Monday to discuss the revision of the wages of the officers and employees of all public sector banks. 11th Bipartite Wage Settlement of Bank Employees - Latest Updates related to Wage Revision Meetings of Banks' Union with Indian Bankers' Association (IBA). The representative organization of bank employees United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU) and Indian Banks' Association (IBA) have agreed on a 15 per cent hike in the existing wage bill of 35 lenders, along with a first-of-its-kind performance-linked incentive (PLI) for state-owned banks. * Shri Rajeev Kumar assured us that all the issues will be addressed. Circular No.86/2020 . Dated: 11/7/2020 12:37:36 AM. The 11th bipartite settlement is due from November 1, 2017. Bank News. Latest News for Bank Employees Salary Wage Revision Talks with IBA. You can add content to this area by visiting your Widgets Panel and adding new widgets to this area. Bank wage Revision is going on from November 2017 but due to IBA’s ardent and stubborn attitude, no positive news is coming out for now as Unions Demanded these demand which I am providing you below: The issue of clear mandate upto Scale 7 was cleared. To all Units, Affiliates, Office Bearers, CC & GC Members. ... TRENDING TODAY UFBU/2017/22 27.10.2017 TO ALL CONSTITUENT UNIONS/MEMBERS. CIRCULAR No. “It was introduced in three slabs, with the first one – a 7.75% of basic pay – of special allowance covering all … Explore more on Wage Revision. Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state:-(a) whether a wage revision settlement for more than 10 lakh bank employees and officers has been stuck for more than two years; Also Read. Bank Wage Revision 2019 Latest News. Wage Revision Settlement of Bank Employees – Lok Sabha QA. 11th BPS News Updates AIBOC Calls For Agitation Against Proposed Merger of Bank of Baroda, Vijaya & Dena Bank KT NEWS SERVICE. Bank wage Revision is going on from November 2017 but due to IBA’s ardent and stubborn attitude, no positive news is coming out for now as Unions Demanded these demand which I am providing you below: Demands of PSU Bankers to IBA Wage Revision Settlement at 20% hike on Pay slip components with adequate loading thereof. AIBOC & NOBO remained firm on their demand of wage negotiation up to Scale VII which remained the practice so far. 11th BPS for Bank Employees - Bank wage Revision - Bipartite Talks with IBA on 1.2.2019 BIPARTITE TALKS WITH IBA We reproduce hereunder the contents of another round of Bipartite Talks held today … ... the delegation sought to highlight how the wage revision is due from November 2017. This is the Secondary Sidebar Widget Area if you are using a three column site layout option. Further to the ongoing discussions in the Sub-Committee on non-financial demands, today, a round of discussions with the Full Negotiating Committee of IBA was held in Mumbai. The National Organisation of Bank Officers (NOBO) also boycotted the meeting. 20th Dec 2020. Wage revision for bank officers and workmen may be done separately Many banks, including SBI, have informed customers that operations may be impacted to some extent due to the strike. AIBOC in a release said representatives of bank officers' unions and the IBA met on August 24th, September 10th and October 12th to conclude the wage revision process for bank officers. 355 likes. NARESH PAUL CENTRE. Bank Employees Wage Revision Talks with IBA. Wage revision News - Find Wage revision latest News and Headlines today along with Wage revision Photos and Videos at As per the latest circular issued by the Indian Banks’ Association (HR & Industraial Relations), meeting with working group for Workmen will be held at … 53 Radha Bazar Lane, Kolkata – 700 001 . Bank wage revision. Latest News on Expected DA and IBA Orders: DA for Bank Employees from November 2020 December 4, 2020; LFC for Bank Employees after 11th Bipartite Settlement November 17, 2020 Eleventh Bipartite settlement/ Bank Wage Revision – History and customs followed so far Young bank employees are eager to know the process of wage revision / Bipartite settlement (Eleventh ). Bank Wage Revision News, Eleventh Bipartite. The current wage revision for PSBs, as well as some private lenders, is due from November 2017 for five years - up to October 2022. Dear Comrade, Enhancement of family pension for bank retirees Next Bank Wage Negotiation Meeting with Unions / Association on 2nd February, 2019. The wage revision will benefit nearly 10 lakh employees. Home; Top Stories; Meeting on bank wage revision on Mon. The United Forum of Bank Unions (UFBU), which represents nine trade unions, said they will also hold a three-day strike from March 11-13. Nationalised Bank Employees News – Banking News. BANK EMPLOYEES WAGE REVISION IS DUE SINCE NOV -2012 Wage Revision of Bank Employees. D. Ravikumar. Bank unions on Wednesday called for a two-day nationwide strike on January 31 and February 1 after talks over wage revision failed to make headway with the Indian Banks' Association (IBA). 11th Bipartite Settlements, Meetings, Discussion Points and Decisions. New Delhi: Bank unions have decided to go on a two-day nationwide strike from Friday as talks with management of public sector lenders on wage revision have failed to reach a consensus. On behalf of DFS , it was requested to revisit our decision of the strike. Bank Employees Federation of India. Wage revision in public sector banks takes place in every five years. The wage revision will be effective from 1 November, 2017. We also discussed our *Wage Revision,* *5 day week,* *Reduction of Cash transaction hours,* *Issues of Retirees,* *issues related to* *cross selling etc. Find Wage Revision Latest News, Videos & Pictures on Wage Revision and see latest updates, news, information from NDTV.COM. Banks to resume wage revision talks with TU leaders on July 22. 11th Bipartite Wage Revision Talks Latest News – 11th BPS Settlement Meeting with IBA Tomorrow on 20 August 2020.

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