Check in: Or, to see a list of ALL the Ayam Cemani Chicken breeders in the US: Also, check out California breeders of some other farm animals: Are you a farm animal breeder who isn’t listed. Hatch date was 04/01/2020 from Cackle Hatchery both are beautiful roosters, I just have to many right now. Legs: Thighs medium, powerful, set well apart, good bend of hock. Even their organs are black. A few babies have, like we said above, possible white nails and toes (this can go away as they get older). Or, if you have a specific question, shoot us an e-mail at: [email protected]. They are an intelligent breed, ours coming up to us begging for attention, treats, or just company. In striving to raise only the finest, blackest Ayam Cemanis, the current standard we apply to our breeding program is as follows: General Appearance: Alert bearing, standing tall, similar to other gamefowl, quite gamey. Ayam Cemani is a melanistic breed, which means an overdevelopment of melanin. Do you have some pictures to add? Learning more about our policies on our Policies page, Please read how our orders are processed here. Feather Lover Farms Line Ayam Cemani Chicken (6-10 Weeks Old) $ 499.00. Ayam Cemani chickens for sale. Aesthetically, Ayam Cemanis have extraordinary pitch black feathers, black beak, black skin, black organs and black bones. Chick Duckling and Gosling Starter Feed – Non GMO. NPIP #459. For example [my story] would show as my story on the Web page containing your story.TIP: Since most people scan Web pages, include your best thoughts in your first paragraph. for all chicken breed also ayam cemani, the chick is very susceptible to death, especially at low temperatures. Girls WILL go broody and make great …, CA - Ayam Cemani Chicks - Feather Lover Farms ***Shipping Chicks Weekly 365 Days/Year*** ORDER NOW! Cemani's weigh only 4-5lbs and lay cream colored eggs. Hopefully this will help you find exactly the right breeder as you search for the newest addition to your homestead! To receive credit as the author, enter your information below. Search-by-Breed Poultry Breeder Directory, Raising Poultry 101 - Beginner's Guide to Raising Chickens, Fancy Poultry 101 - Beginner's Guide to Showing Poultry, Fancy Poultry 201 - Extend your Knowledge & Learning, Resources & Products - Get Organized & Informed, Click here add details and photos and complete your listing. Wings hanging down by side. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. The general characteristics are similar to those of the male, allowing for natural sexual differences. In essence, the higher the quality grade genetics in your initial investment, the further ahead you will be in your breeding program. I'm NPIP certified so I can ship hatching eggs and live birds/chicks. Plumage: Black or Green and purple sheen. One dozen Feather Lovers Farms Ayam Cemani black "GOTH" Chicks arrived this morning! We aren’t able to process your payment. Feathers: Quite short and close fitting. Hilltop Farms , Corona, 92883, CA, United States. Create your breeder listing now! In Asia, Ayam Cemani are renowned as much for the mystical powers of their black meat as they are for their extraordinary ink-black feathers that shimmer with a metallic sheen of beetle green and purple. COVID-19 UPDATE: We Are Open & Shipping Baby Chick Orders Weekly As Usual & Are Considered An Essential Business Of Food & Agriculture. Their skin is black. Aesthetically, Ayam Cemanis have extraordinary pitch black feathers, black beak, black skin, black organs and black bones. Our breeding program strives to produce birds that meet the proposed standard of perfection as described by the Ayam Cemani Breeders Club. Prices listed are for babies age 1-6 days old. Back:  Medium-length, sloping from the neck; saddle hackle, rather than short. The Ayam Cemani is not yet recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA.) Owning one of these will put your breed ranking …, NY - Ayam Cemani + Svart Hona We have a flock of Ayam Cemani, as well as fertile Svart Hona eggs available from our small rare and heritage breed poultry farm in central NY. Also known as the 'rarest chicken on earth' the Ayam Cemani is truly an exquisite bird. (You can preview and edit on the next page). They are pinioned, sexed and healthy. Click the button and find the first one on your computer. Back of comb not following down the line of the neck. One of the most beautiful chickens in the world; a chicken so spectacular and exotic that it is referred to as the "Lamborghini of poultry." You've found the “California Ayam Cemani Chicken Breeders” page here at Hobby Farm Wisdom! The Indonesian chicken breed known as Ayam Cemani takes 'dark' into an entirely different realm. Include your state for easier searchability. Search the website: Please select the newsletter you wish to receive : By clicking below, you agree to receive emails from PSC.

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