We all will be affected and will have to choose a side, as we can no longer stay on the fence. I just finished the game (home sick so why not) and had two green stats. Love is the creative force in the universe and its opposite is fear or separation... Its been a long hour or so writing this, so I will stop here. The Rusalki (Old Machines/Ophelia/etc?) One being the absence of the other. I think that maybe since that near the end boss that is entirely optional is almost exactly like the first boss of the game that it was a cloned version, and that all the bosses you do fight are not clones just alternate universe ones that are.... infected.... maybe by the pathogen in their research or by some of the kinda unexplained beings that had existed on Sudran from the long past. tonberry. The Rusalki have succeeded; Atheos is dead and they have no more obstacles towards their end goals. The main three could be seen to represent the Id, Ego, and Super-Ego. There aren't any other humans, only Trace. Trace and Dr. Hammond then attempt to go "upstream - to the Filter, or whatever lies beyond - for answers."[3]. Also Veruska didn't seem very aggressive to me, perhaps she wouldn't be against that decision after all. The second I don't quite recall the requirements but it's just an extra scene (something like 15 extra seconds?). Feeling secure in his army, Athetos goes on the offensive with biological warfare, creating a pathogen that wipes out the Sudrans almost entirely. 1st run beat it with something like 94% items, 99% map, with atleast 4 secret worlds, in about 20:13 hours with heat seeker ...(made the last optional miniboss before Athetos more managable and easier to complete than some other bosses..). From the beginning she is what guides Trace. probably the game will have a part 2 or something like that. This also plays directly into Veruska's ability to create mind worlds. And what about the bonus cutscenes where Athetos is alive, meets up with Trace and kills him in Universe B? If I had to guess I'd say it was fudged a bit so that you can discover it later when that aspect of the story makes more sense and its close location to the first egg is hinting at. Though he still has delusions (namely the "memories" and "knowledge" from Sudra and his ability to work as though he was never injured), they are much less deep than they once were. That said as the game went on it seemed to back away from that. In The Outsider, the author states, "Should I have let you kill her when I had the chance? Trace says he's been in a coma. I wonder if beating or not beating him under different conditions will get you different endings or something. This occurs during his hallucinogenic coma induced by the Pathogen. First, watching the full credits shows a collapsed Trace, laying at what appears to be the base of a Rusalki body. Or, another alternative, maybe the Rusalki kept trying to find versions of Trace that were compatible with the rebirth chambers, but kept finding ones that became infected by the pathogen that convert Traces into bosses, killing in the name of Atheos. The note Axiom 1 (Note) heavily suggests that the universe is actually a simulation, which means that a PatternMind is someone who can manipulate the code from within the simulation to some extent. However before he does so, Athetos manages to turn off the Remote Drones, leaving the Rusalki nearly helpless, dormant, and degrading. Specifically, that the physics community couldn't see his brilliance. I died a handful of times (mostly at the end thanks to the low percentage run softening my health/damage output) and one stupid mistake at the hallucination portion of the game. In effect it is very very ironic in a lot of ways that the cognitive dissonance the institutionalized world has been indoctrinating us thwarts the facts of what is.. in a lot of ways I find the game to be a great satire or irony about Life. If he did his captors (the Rusalki; his Psyche) would have to face the music and the delusion would shatter, killing the hero Trace that doesn't really exist in the process. He fights Atheos and wins. 7707. I got the same ending as everyone else here so far. Thus, there are many ways to interpret the game's story. Athetos may know that if he reveals the truth right away, the Rusalki will have to kill Trace, else he would side with Athetos. And she is the only one who has ventured into the breach, the only part of Trace's mind to venture into reality. The Sudrans have become an incredibly xenophobic society, shunning all outsiders and regarding their own technology with superstition and religious reverence. Moreover I'd like to wake up Katrahaska and listen to what she has to say. She represents Trace's former curiosity; once a vibrant, major part of his personality it was killed as a result of this delusion. During this time, Athetos disables the Repair Drones and Power Filter. There is a story about two children witnessing him lift the blocks from the road onto a truck, whose driver was intructed to walk away and come back, with two ice cream cones from his hands.
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