Fax: +49 (0 66 58) 89 - 40. The high performance wing airfoil with boundary layer control by means of turbulator holes, combined with an outstanding construction quality, imparts to the ASW 27 B flight performances that are comparable to those of the former Open Class gliders. Alexander-Schleicher-Str. This set the stage for Gerhard Waibel to develop a new 15 m flapped sailplane: the ASW 27. 1 Please fill out the formular. We offer a wide variety of accessories like retract landing gear, cockpit, covers and others. Where else can you find speeds to fly?  -  BUSINESS    PARTNER  -   USA Dealer for Alexander Schleicher Sailplanes, 2668 Husted Road, Williams, CA 95987-5105 - Phone (530) 473-5600 - FAX (530) 473-5315, PowerFlarm with Butterfly (not in this photo). The very low drag fuselage of the ASW 24 received a new tailplane and a new fuselage-wing transition for the flapped wing. Download information ASW 27 Flight Manual (5.83MB). The ASW 27 B is a high performance 15 meter class glider. This glider has the same performance characteristics as the plain ASW 27 and the differences mainly lie in the water ballast details: ASW 27B features a tail ballast, easier-to-fill wing ballast and a better placed dump handle. The ASW 27 B is a high performance glider for the FAI-15m-class (racing class), of the latest state of the art technology. The subsequent ASW 27 B variant received integrated water ballast tanks instead of water bags in the wings, higher winglets from Darlington and a new flap setting of 3a. Pilot Approval Requirements: The pilot must have sign off by an instructor and must meet Williams Soaring Operating Policy and Insurance requirements - See Pilot Information Section. Pilot Approval Requirements: The pilot must have sign off by an instructor and must meet Williams Soaring Operating Policy and Insurance requirements - See Pilot Information Section. Due to the high construction quality of the wing and of the control surface gap sealing it has been possible to build a production wing with a laminar airflow of 95% along the profile under-side. We offer a wide variety of accessories like retract landing gear document.write(y0); The actuating levers and bell cranks are fitted with ball bearings or precise “uniball”-joints. While the desirable feedback from the air loads at the control surfaces can just still be felt at the stick, the hand forces for the pilot are comfortable, - a pre-condition for non-fatiguing flying. All control surface hinges of the wing and of the horizontal tail unit use needle bearings or low-maintenance plastic bearings. This ASW 27 is outfitted for Cross Counrty soaring and safety: You must be aware of the weight and balance envelope of the glider you are flying. The rubber-shock-mounted, re-tractable landing gear with a “crumpling zone” in the steel struts for over load cases and hydraulic disc brake, the in flight adjustable back rest, the upwards hinging instrument panel and the speed trim, are only some of the many available conveniences. D-36163 Poppenhausen, Phone: +49 (0 66 58) 89 - 0 The factory polar chart shows the the sink of the glider at particular speeds flown - based on standard gross weight. FLEET » ASW 27 JH ]. Wings & Wheels pilot shop has the largest stock of supplies for soaring, gliding and sport aircraft pilots. The sophisticated control linkage system gives very good maneuverability and harmless flight characteristics, even in landing approach, to the ASW 27 B. A review about Schleicher ASW 27B to help people decide what glider to buy. The kits are well under 25kg in weight. ASW 27 / ASW 27 B Klasse / Class FAI 15 m Sitze / Seats 1 Erstflug / Maiden flight 03.04.1995 Herstellungszeitraum / Production period 1995 – 2009 Stückzahl / Number of pieces 237 Konstrukteuer / Designer 15.0 m 6.5 You should memorize your the speeds to fly and be able to quote them from memory. The low-drag airfoil of the T-tail (elevator with stabilizer) was developed specially for the ASW 27 B design by the Delft University of Technology. Schleicher ASW 27 The ASW 27 B is a high performance 15 meter class glider. Elevator and rudder are new-technology sandwiches of aramide fiber / plastics with a hard foam core. Wings & Wheels has the largest and most comprehensive inventory of sailplane and soaring supplies. The ASW-27, ASG-29 and ASG-32 kits includes carbon reinforcements and are produced using vacuum technology. The kits are well under 25kg in weight. Know how to add weights as required to stay within the correct moment. The ASW 24 had essentially eliminated the performance difference between the standard class and the FAI-15m-class. General charateristics Class FAI 15 Metre FAI 15 Metre Crew 1 1 First flight 1995 1995 Built 237 237 Technical You can also send us a mail to, Scale ASW 27 (7,50 m wingspan) / ASG 29 (9 m wingspan) / ASG-32 (7,70m wingspan), made in GFK/CFK Vacuum sandwich technology, Fuselage is 2-piece, wings are 4-piece, perfect for easy transport. Williams Soaring Center - Copyright © 2001- Fotos ASW 27 4 Fotos Video Beschreibung Link Video anschauen FW-Models In der Kühweid 1a, 76661 Philippsburg Tel. ASW27 Polar and Specifications sheet (PDF 147KB). Alexander Schleicher GmbH The roomy safety cockpit of the ASW 27 B, designed according to latest research results in the field of safety and accident protection, offers all modern comforts and ease of operation, even for tall pilots. Up and go retractable power units available from 990.- USD, You are interested in one of our products? Our U.S. distributor Rosenthal Models USA will reply as soon as possible. A side by side comparison of Schleicher ASW 27 vs. Schleicher ASW 27B to help people decide what glider to buy. 07256-4807, Fax. The ASW-27, ASG-29 and ASG-32 kits includes carbon reinforcements and are produced using vacuum technology. [ You Are Here:   HOME » Training & Rental » GLIDER

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