I decided to invoke my patron goddess Hecate for insight and wisdom on the subject. I would recommend talking to Her at a liminal time and place with a fire or a light, giving to Her the energy of your fears and asking Her to take it away from you. Hecate is triple goddess. I Your Priest/ess ask You: We call You here to witness as this one prepares to pass Blessed Be! You’ve inspired me to clean out the kitchen and bathroom cupboards, which have been accumulating stagnant chi on my to-do list for far too long. I encourage everyone else to ask for help, yet I rarely do it myself. Bring justice now, I ask of Thee! Call on her when working intuitively with herbs, or when you want to focus your energy on deepening your knowledge of herbal lore and its metaphysical uses. From the beauty of the night If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Chant for Crossing the Gates of Dawn Today I said goodbye to my best friend who is leaving for college and most likely never returning to the town we currently live in. (And be sure to warn the living occupants that it’s toxic!). Sleep, brother sleep, Be not alarmed, For the Great Goddess. But, always put up protection. Who cause my problems and my woes. (For other ways to use garlic in magic, check out 10 Ways to Use Garlic in Witchcraft). I encourage everyone else to ask for help, yet I rarely do it myself. Most of the internal conversation came down to asking for help. Hekate, or Hecate, is the Greek goddess of the moon, witchcraft, the crossroads, natural poison, herbalism and spirits of the dead. Two names appeared in my head: Shade, and Hag. Summon the Goddess by her name, thanking her for the help you have received. Hecate told me that they are the "forgotten ones" who feed off negative emotions of people, such as grief, sorrow, and rage. There’s still more to do. When you are trying to gain Hekate's blessing, you must always offer something to her in return. She is the all mighty. And ask You to help her/him easily across Please, dear Hecate, shine Your lantern bright So that we may still see each other through the Veil And bless us who remain, as much as possible, With memories filled with more love and laughter than tears Blessed Hecate, … Be very precise. And on a bad day all of those positive habits go right out the window. Definitely going into my diary, but I probably won't be too worried about it. If one has one's own eyes, Owl-eye Goddess, seer, walker in the dark, Made precisely for my soul's feet Whether you recognize her as a literal deity, or you simply want to work with the archetypal energy she represents, try one of these ideas to bring her into your sacred space. You fuck them wraiths in their goddamn wraith faces. Hecate, Wayfarer, Path Finder In addition, when I send an email asking for help, I am careful to use the correct honorific. Avenge me now, oh Mighty One. So if I don’t write a subject, they waste time to understand what I want to ask. Been wondering about something along a similar line of thought for a couple weeks now. I wasn't scared to death, but I had to banish it by saying a psalm and then I kind of drew a banishing earth Pentagram with my finger and sort of threw it at the hag. and give us a way to recognize this daily cycle of rebirth and transformation in our Glad to hear that you’re decluttering both physically and mentally……and the longer days will help, too! May Hecate live in my soul. Everything shuts down in order to purge all the toxins we’ve accumulated. Fear, anxiety, depression… all the internal bullies decided to pay me a visit at once. I have the words "Shade" and "Hag" that were given to me. Sometimes I need a little help. I wouldnt hang onto the experience too much. The ritual below can be done when you are “lost” in your life. She is the third black cat I have shared my life with. The remains of the ritual can be buried or discarded in running water. Lend me Your knife, to free me of the choices not claimed, Oh, Owl-Eye Goddess, show me the Path Keeper of wisdom, teacher of the wise She has suggested that I read more about her and this post has been helpful. During a Dark Moon night, around midnight, go somewhere quiet where you can be at peace. Copyright 2004 Cryptic reply aside, thanks for the names, OP. The Occult: News for armchair and practicing metaphysical skeptics. using it, though, especially if you have also behaved inappropriately. By clicking the image below you support Santuário Lunar and you subscribe to the best host: DreamHost! And heap upon them karmic debt knows no bounds. Being a Triple Goddess, rituals on the Crescent Moon, Full Moon and Waning Moon can be done in worship of Hecate, but it is on the New Moon or Black Moon that her power becomes supreme and capable of enormous changes.

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