There have been plenty of moments and great indications, to me, of how strong this shift was going to be for all of us and humanity. Typically, in spiritual circles, an “ascension symptom” refers to any physical, mental, or emotional symptom that appears as a result of you anchoring more light. However, it got more enhanced over the last few weeks. (They forget about this whole physical body thing because they don’t have one.) This clearing or cleansing process involves dealing with old emotional issues and mental blocks that may be causing negative or stagnant energy within the various energy bodies; energy disturbances on these levels will eventually manifest down to the physical level and have an effect on the physical body, often this is also the cause of these various aches, pains and other physical discomforts. It could very well be that, that was the only reason why it came up now – in order to help me remember this past life that needed to be cleared. Has been an increase in heightened psychic abilities. Ultimately, no one will know better than you what’s going on in your body. By downloading the Inner Union Soul Alchemy manuscript I also agree to receiving the weekly Twin Flame Tribe email updates. So I don’t eat dairy anymore, but I really needed that blood test to show me in print that dairy isn’t good for me, because even though I don’t drink milk or eat yogurt I loved to eat cheese in all it’s delicious forms and flavors. As ones personal vibration is raised they may naturally crave food and drink that is more pure. Sometimes our Guides are so excited to help us ascend that they send us way more light than we can physically handle! Well, welcome to Ascension Cycle Two via the Boxing Day Solar Eclipse. It is there, ready to be tapped into, and when you do, you will find all of these aches, pains, discomforts and uncertainties to diminish considerably...You are so much more than the aches and pains in your physical body, or the insistent voice of worry gnawing in your mind. I put two blankets on top of me and I am freezing cold inside. These energetic upgrades within the body involve pressure, expansion, acceleration, and growth. We had the Winter solstice. Closed off Throat and Parasitic Ties: In {2020} one of the more unique and yet strange symptoms that I have been feeling. Learn how your comment data is processed. Ten Easy Techniques for Pain Management Your email address will not be published. The digestive issues might fluctuating between periods of diarrhea and constipation. Dissolving The Pain Body As you anchor more light by aligning yourself with your truth and speaking more authentically, that light *clashes* with the energy of concern and the fear of abandonment. Example 1: knee pain. So let’s dive into the different spiritual reasons that you can have a belly bloat that you can’t get rid of the 3D way (i.e. Many people become overwhelmed by body pain and feel helpless about doing something about it. My love and deepest regards. If you’ve been experiencing a physical symptom that hasn’t gotten any better over time (or has gotten worse), seek medical attention immediately. The Twin Flames that I know who are close to manifesting true Twin Flame union, all look pregnant without any exception. Once you’ve determined it really can’t be anything else, and you know you’ve been doing a ton of self-development and spiritual work, then it’s very possible you are experiencing an ascension symptom. To add some of the latest and unusual symptoms throughout these last few months, remember if you do not feel well. Get my Spiritual Hygiene: A Daily Routine guide, Staying connected, grounded, and clear can be challenging. And sometimes there are no “logical” explanations for what you’re experiencing. I have had a blood test(s) and physical(s) done just to make sure everything was fine. Reframe Your Mind to Relieve Your Body Pain What does it mean to “anchor more light”? But sometimes part of that self-care must include going to a medical doctor and seeking treatment. Unsubscribe at any time. Did this article help you in a significant way? This became clearer in our second session, and on the retreat, where the deep sessions with you and the other healers made it abundantly obvious that I needed to step into my power and own my own life and happiness. At more advanced stages of the ascension process, the body is being filled with more light and more intense energies. – Basic Ascension Symptoms – Accelerated Ascension symptoms – Levels of the process and what to expect – What you can do to lessen the severity of symptoms – Lightworker issues and how to assist through the Shift. Whatever heavy energies we carry with us from our soul’s journey through time, space and dimensions have to be released physically. Neck pain/stiffness.  |  Louise Hay says that the metaphysical cause behind fat is: ‘Fat or Weight issues: Oversensitivity. Light is, after all, a frequency or vibration. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Copyright © 2019-2020 Energetic Earth – New Ascending World. The aches and pains that you experience in various parts of your physical body may come and go and vary in intensity.

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