[17] On the way to Damara, Artemis inadvertently stole the life-force of a shade with his vampiric dagger. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works He stared at the weapon, hatred in his eyes, but only because that dagger was a reflection on him. Along the way, he developed a close relationship with Dahlia. Artemis, by contrast, had a life that could only be considered empty. He had no real friends and no loved ones. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. The primary difference between himself and Drizzt noticed by Artemis was Drizzt's virtue, specifically Drizzt's caring and concern for his friends. Human[4]Partial shade[citation needed] Though he was usually clean-shaven, Artemis always seemed to need a shave. "[citation needed], Ilnezhara (regarding Kane): "And the most dangerous man in all of the Bloodstone Lands." Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oubliés (French), Inhabitants with an 18 challenge rating (3e), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition, The Collected Stories: The Legend of Drizzt Anthology, https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Artemis_Entreri?oldid=554448, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function. [38] In Neverwinter, Arunika placed a magical dweomer on Artemis to spy on him unknowingly from afar. He refused to travel with them and instead tarried in Q'Xorlarrin with Dahlia's corpse, killing Berellip Xorlarrin. [25] They became quite intimate, sharing a bed at least once. He also originally believed that Jarlaxle was behind his capture and removal to Q'Xorlarrin. Alegni ordered Barrabus to kill Dahlia Sin'felle, but Artemis ended up joining forces with Dahlia and Drizzt Do'Urden, who were both out on a quest to kill the Thayan commander Sylora Salm. Artemis, however, was more preoccupied with Idalia's flute and his awakened past emotions than with Jarlaxle's antics. Jarlaxle had the option of returning to his band, but he elected to hand over its leadership temporarily to Kimmuriel and adventure with the assassin instead of going back to the Underdark. Artemis was last seen pulling Dahlia off of Drizzt, but not before the drow was gravely wounded. [41], The last word of Artemis was that he had escaped Q'Xorlarrin. Artemis was able to obtain Crenshinibon and resist its psychic influence through sheer willpower. lol, Good work! In Calimport, he was taken in by the thieves' guild ruled by Pasha Basadoni. Entreri obtained Charon's Claw, a powerful Netherese sword that he acquired by killing its owner, Kohrin Soulez. Entreri: "Stunning. [39] He continued to travel with Drizzt and Dahlia (as well as Ambergris, Afafrenfere, and later Effron), after being lured to Port Llast by Drizzt offering the possibility of retrieving his lost jeweled dagger. Drizzt and Wulfgar chased Entreri all the way to Calimport, and there Drizzt again fought Entreri. There he settled accounts with all those who abused him, killing Yinochek and allowing Pinochek to live only with an ultimatum. Thanks and dude tell me about it. Entreri: "Then you understand every contingency. Portrayed as a cunning and tactical assassin, Entreri lived an empty life, devoid of any kind of pleasure, existing only to kill. [32] Artemis, with the help of Bregan D'aerthe, took over the guild of Pasha Basadoni and as a reward, he was allowed a fight with Drizzt. When he was about 40 years old, Artemis had the lean athleticism of a man half his age. Artemis proviene dai bassifondi di Calimport, una città nel sud di Faerûn e compare per la prima volta nell'opera Le lande di ghiaccio (titolo originale The Crystal shard), primo volume della Trilogia delle terre perdute, ma solo verso la fine del libro e molto viene lasciato all'immaginazione; appare nella città di Bryn Shander, cercando Regis l'halfling. He and Dahlia ended up petrified in the home of Draygo Quick after a botched rescue attempt for Guenhwyvar. Artemis Entreri è un personaggio immaginario creato da R. A. Salvatore protagonista di alcuni romanzi di Forgotten Realms, ambientazione per il gioco di ruolo Dungeons & Dragons. Basadoni taught young Artemis the tricks of the trade, instructing him in the basics of fighting and helping him master stealth. Artemis and Jarlaxle eventually retreated with the help of Bregan D'aerthe and Artemis headed for Calimshan. [27], To get another fight against Drizzt, Artemis went to greater lengths, allying with the band of drow mercenaries called Bregan D'aerthe. There they (except Effron) were captured by a drow band led by Tiago Baenre and taken to Q'Xorlarrin. [24][25] This betrayal was enough to put a block on Entreri's emotions. A cunning and tactical assassin, Entreri lived an empty life, devoid of any kind of pleasure, existing only to kill. Nah you're blades don't look like crap. Entreri: "They've often said that too. [43], Artemis specialized in a two-weapon fighting style with the use of a dagger and a sword, equaling Drizzt in fighting capability. Sex Few men indeed could have so repeatedly crossed blades with Drizzt Do'Urden and lived to tell of it. [19], In 1484 DR, Artemis appeared to be 40 years old. Entreri non è in possesso di alcun oggetto magico, a parte il pugnale. Rules Information He was generally less angry and became willing to defend his allies as well as entertain the notion of having friends.[23]. With Bregan D'aerthe sponsoring his activities in Calimport, Entreri waged war against all other thieves guilds and the Basadoni Guild, now a faction of Bregan D'aerthe. Conclusion It's been a long time coming, but Artemis Entreri is finally coming to Idle Champions. 2nd Edition Statistics[4] [18] He then appeared to have reversed age a full decade, and his aging slowed considerably. [19] They were then recruited into a task-force instructed by King Gareth Dragonsbane to investigate a replica of Castle Perilous in Vaasa and the possible return of Zhengyi the Witch-King. Thanks! The fight never truly ended because of various interferences and when Artemis managed to get his fight once again, Regis was the factor that resulted in his loss. In truth, Jarlaxle had found himself trapped and forced to capture Artemis in an extra-dimensional pocket for the Netherese, but he had intended to rescue Artemis immediately thereafter. Class Artemis Entreri was not very tall (in fact, considered "small") but he was compact with wiry muscles. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Charon's Claw (later known simply as Claw) was a magical sword and gauntlet designed to battle wizards. He did in fact have his own code of honor, although it was sometimes obscured. 3e [citation needed], When Drizzt ran into Artemis as Barrabus the Gray, Artemis found that he was no longer jealous of Drizzt (claiming he had grown "bored" of him) and found that he now trusted the drow. [41], After their first meeting, Artemis knew that he and Drizzt Do'Urden were virtually equal in skill. He was a tactical master, taking every advantage offered him and seeking to create more. Gallery Artemis traveled with the group to Icewind Dale, where they spent a night on the edge of Iruladoon that lasted eighteen years in the real world. Underneath this facade, however, he was terribly angry, which he recognized in himself only with the influence of Idalia's flute. First clash with the Companions of the Hall. Dwahvel: "In every contingency that you have outlined." However, the drow was manipulated by Kimmuriel Oblodra and Matron Mother Quenthel Baenre and psionically forced to forget about that event, believing instead that Entreri had in fact betrayed him. Alignment Il pugnale, a differenza della sciabola, è magico: quando un nemico sta per essere ucciso, il pugnale trasferisce l'energia vitale della vittima a colui che lo impugna. Seriously that is just cool, it makes my blades look like crap. Though he was usually clean-shaven, Artemis always seemed to need a shave. In truth, Alegni had made it to the Shadowfell ,where he was healed and tasked with retrieving the Netherese artifact. [citation needed], But then there was somebody seemingly as good as he was, somebody with friends and loved ones and a full life. [9], Artemis Entreri was not very tall (in fact, considered "small"[10]) but he was compact with wiry muscles. This was one of the reasons for their extreme rivalry. Knownlanguage(s) [citation needed], Entreri said as much to Drizzt. However, for the most part, those who were not enemies of Artemis or his allies had nothing to fear from him. Drizzt was about to leave the crystal tower feeling the fight was over and that nothing was proved with it, but Entreri was enraged and went to attack Drizzt. Male[4][5] [32] When they parted ways, Artemis wrote her a very moving letter written in a way that caused Artemis himself to doubt that he was the letter's author. When they returned to civilization and found how much time had passed, Drizzt opted to stay and ended his relationship with Dahlia, who attacked him in fury. Però ne ha utilizzati diversi, tra cui: https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Artemis_Entreri&oldid=115793953, Voci con modulo citazione e parametro pagine, Voci con modulo citazione e parametro coautori, Verificare enciclopedicità - settembre 2020, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, una maschera magica, rubata a Drizzt, la quale permette di assumere le sembianze di qualsiasi tipo di creatura di.
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