I keep a few snakes and crested geckos. They are typically found in the scrublands or southwest prairies of Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas living in burrows that are sometimes abandoned rodents and reptiles so there humidity needs are very low. My first tarantula this go-round was a lasiodora parahybana. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. native; Habitat. The Spinnerette Issue 10: Aphonopelma chalcodes. I usually use coco fiber or peat moss as they don’t have any high humidity requirements. (Milne and Milne, 1980)Biogeographic Regions; nearctic. JavaScript is disabled. He was three or four inches within one year, and that is growing from a quarter inch to 1/2 inch when I first got him. These are GREAT for any terrestrial spiderling! Bite danger: The bite of an Aphonopelma chalcodes tarantula is reportedly likened to a bee sting but more painful, causing pain and swelling. These specimens like to burrow a lot at this size, so i make sure to use an enclosure that will give them ability to dig deep. Temperament: Arizona blonde tarantulas have a general reputation of being calm and docile, however the species also has a reputation of being defensive, skittish and unpredictable. Some of the slow Growers can live 30 years or more! The Texas Brown is not as popular in the hobby mostly because people find them boring or even unattractive compared to the more colorful and exotic species found in the hobby these days. This tarantulas can go weeks, even months without eating, and if you over feed them they can go into premolt and hide in their burrow, sealing themselves off, and you will not see them for months until the molt and venture out again. Aphonopelma chalcodes tarantulas are reclusive, nocturnal spiders. Maybe two? A tarantula magazine solely dedicated to the Aphonopelma chalcodes (Arizona blonde) tarantula! It has a limited distribution in the deserts of Arizona and adjacent parts of … By the way one too many no in there, and that’s a no no. Usually burying their hide and constantly filling the water dish up with substrate. My name is David. I hope you found that helpful! Registration is free, and dedicated forums exist for the discussion of Tarantulas, True Spiders, Centipedes & Scorpions. I’m fairly new to tarantulas! How long did it take for yours to become an adult? They don't hunt well in such a big space, and they don't feel secure. Origin: Southwestern states, especially Arizona, California, and New Mexico. They are a little more defensive than LPs, however. And as a bonus, here’s my own little Arizona blonde sling, Blinky, having its first meal at home! I have been keeping tarantulas since 1987. Once a week when they are skinny right after a molt, and every 10-14 days once they begin to plump up. Mine typically make a burrow all the way down to the bottom of the enclosure, but once they are around 3” in size, they tend to spend most of their time out in the open. Please and thank you! A tarantula magazine solely dedicated to the Aphonopelma chalcodes (Arizona blonde) tarantula! At most, when full grown, this tarantula won’t need an enclosure larger than a 5 gal setup, but you can keep them safely in an enclosure up to 10gal. support my tarantula projects on Patreon! And keep in mind, generally, that the faster they grow the faster they die. Maybe 1 1/12 inches? 10 gallons is way too big. http://arachnoboards.com/threads/aphonopelma-chalcodes-sling-care.295577/. I have a pretty big assortment of these guys because they are the home team for us here in Arizona, and I've never had a threat pose and only very rarely had one kick hairs at me, and only when I certainly had it coming from the spider's point of view! They like to hide in their burrows, under rocks, or in abandoned holes in the daytime. The reptile store I’m getting her from have given me some tips.
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