But if you’re smart with personality Who Wants to Be A Millionaire might be your calling. Watch your favorite classic game shows, then catch up on recent episodes of Game Show Network originals! Even though a million people aren’t watching anymore you could still win a million dollars, but how to get on? Teams of 5, Ages 18 - 99, With Big, Fun Personalities. Must have 5 family members related by blood, marriage or legal adoption. It has inspired British and Australian versions of the show as well as several syndicated U.S. versions - which meant that for at least eight years there were two different "Price is Right" shows on the air each day: the CBS show and the syndicated version. Live Streaming! America Says is a fast-paced studio game show where two teams of friends and family face off to guess America's responses with fill in the blanks … Your email address will not be published. And the producers thought Peters was hilarious. Sorry, it is now in the post. For your chance at $15,000, fill out a short application with the provided link: https://29framesent.formstack.com/forms/am_says. Then find out what each show wants in a contestant. /* ad_call 160x600, created 7/5/10 */ The show tapes every day and you can pop in for an audition after. A freelance entertainment writer, Grosvenor has contributed to CNN, MSNBC, and the Game Show Network.