Truth is: All one really needs are 4 powders; Unique; 2400, 4895, and 4350. Have 400 or so empty cases, 500 hard cast 250 grain lead bullets. Like any propellant it might not be the best in all of the applications I use it in but it works well enough to produce good ammo. here in the archive, you'll LOVE our community. Yes, you can usually buy it somewhere years later but at some point it will dry up or become much more expensive. That illustrates the importance of keeping good reloading records. I recently had the idea of using something other than FFFg which would be easier to clean my pistols, especially since I… Read more », would son=me one help me, i am using winchester 231 and would like a good load for my 357 using 124 and 147 grain jacked bullets, thank you all God bless. Choosing five Handgun Powders or Pistol Powders is not easy. Canister Sizes: Engineering for fast cycling, high-volume semi-automatic rifles. My own general purpose do anything load uses Winchester Super Target and a cast 200Gr boolet. Man, I love me some alliant powders, because they're produced somewhat locally to me, but in the last 5 years, the stuff I like has been utter shit in terms of availability. I like experimenting to see what powder works well for a given set of components. Vintage Boxes - Gear, Shell, Case, Primer, Group Buys Design, Active , Waiting and Archives, Closed Buys/Waiting for delivery/in shipment, If this is your first visit, be sure to 7 Accurate No. Learn more », Interested in learning how to reload your own ammunition? Shep T, Are you buying powder through the various vendors’ catalogs or are you buying at gun shows for cash? In a 41 or 44 magnum with heavy bullets, they are also good. In a 357 using jacketed bullets from 140 grains on up performance is impressive. With a 500 S & W it is a great performer. Ein sehr populäres Pulver für fast alle Faustfeuerwaffen und unübertroffen für Kaliber.45 ACP als Scheibenladung. Come join. In a Circuit Judge rifle, I use 296 with a 300-grain hollow base bullet to good effect. Answers have ranged from "you'll blow yourself up" to "you'll stick a bullet in your barrel." 12 gauge. And that is for everything I will re load, or have ever reloaded! That is why I pick handgun powders that have been around a long time. As mentioned, you will certainly see very dirty and incomplete burning, with unburnt flakes in your action. Anybody here ever try Alliant Herco in a 45 ACP? If I shot one specific caliber that took a narrow range powder to perform best then it may rank among my favorite five. 2400 Smokeless Pistol Powder is legendary for its performance in .44 magnum and other magnum pistol loads. They are not real flexible as smaller rounds and reduced loads should not be attempted with these propellants. I tried it in the 38 and have been using it ever since. View the SDS 4. Auch für Schrotpatronen im Kaliber 12 mit leichten Ladungen geeignet. They are all similar and as long as they are used as designed, they will do well. It can be used in almost any handgun round, although it is not the best for everything. It used to be somewhat dirty burning but it has been cleaned up in the last few years. Since Alliant took over production of Bullseye powder from Hercules, the formula has apparently changed and the new production Bullseye powder is not as "hot" as the old Hercules powder. For more information, visit: Close. 45 win mag L & 45 auto use different handgun powders for best results Bob Shell. It may very well be the most flexible powder currently being produced. If you load a broad spectrum of rounds it is a good idea to have a second or even a third choice in case your favorite powder is unavailable. Well, I've loaded up several "test" rounds with what should be starting loads of Herc 2400 with 260 grain cast boolits. Am looking for a range load that will come in at around 500 ft-lbs of ME with Alliant 2400. Many other similar size rounds have been used with 231 with success. You could always contact the maker of the powder and ask thier people. It is also true that a good replacement load can be developed with another powder but I was disappointed when Alcan 7 was dropped as it was one of my favorites at the time. I always buy it in 8 LB. I don't think there is any more danger loading 2400 in the .45 acp than any other powder. Flexibility is something that I consider very important. In a 12.17 X 44 with a 300-grain bullet it is my favorite load. Unsurpassed for .45 ACP target loads. It is flexible almost beyond belief, especially in the type of work I do. Lot more powder room in the.44M that recommends arount 20 Gr of 2400 than in a.45 ACP that recommends 5-6 Gr Bullseye or unique. Canister Sizes: View All Bullseye ® Recipes. If you enjoyed reading about "Alliant 2400 for 45acp?" It has been around for many years and with good reason. If the Obama yrs.were good for anything they taught use how to fly under the radar and never trust the govt. Discussion in 'Handloading and Reloading' started by OldStumps, May 18, 2011. For moderate loads, using cast bullets in a 41, 44, and 45 Colt it would be hard to beat. I try and buy brand new unopened 8 pound jugs of powder and I have bought at gun shows and gotten some killer deals but usually buy from retail outlets and always use cash and never buy through mail order because of the paper trail it creates. 300gr LTC, 19.5 gr 2400, 1,166 fps, Win WLP primer, Data source;Alliant Suggested starting load: 17.6 gr From the Hodgdon Manual #26 Pressure: 30,000 CUP I've used this load in both my OM Blackhawk .45 and my Win 94AE Trapper. A Custom Reloader of Obsolete and Antique Ammo, Bob Shell, writes about the subject of Guns, Ammo, Shooting and Related Subjects. Can the alliance t 2400 powder be used for .38 special? Alliant 2400 in a 45ACP A friend at the gun club I belong to has a little under 4 lbs. For smaller caliber handguns it won’t do well but the heavyweights it is fine. I have a printed Alliance booklet that has way more listings of powders and cartridges. With a light bullet, it is one of my favorites in the 45 ACP. It should have some versatility and in fact a couple have some use in rifles.

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