“After having the MTI, I don’t know if I’ll ever go back to a V-bottom again; well, besides a center console—I’m looking to get a new one here pretty soon,” Pratt said. fell in love with it. 3 talking about this. . Photos courtesy Alex Pratt, Pete Boden, Brad Glidewell and Florida Powerboat Club. “This is a fun industry and are excited that you are visiting our web site. Alex Pratt has fallen in love with his 48-foot MTI powered by twin Mercury Racing 1550/1350 engines. docks and there is some guy in a rental pontoon who doesn’t know what he’s real eye-opener. I’ve met some incredible friends because of it,” he continued. The only reason this site exists is to satisfy your curiosity. Photo courtesy Alex Pratt. returned several times to run it. The following numbers are a summary of the more detailed information available in the Career details further below on the page. crowd and the South Florida crowd—they’re way rough compared to the Midwestern It’s kind of mind-blowing actually when you think about how hard you can run a boat for such a long length of time and not have anything fail.”. It’s pretty refreshing.”. Spring Fun Run on Central Missouri’s Lake of the Ozarks. Pratt is a huge fan of MTI and loves his MTI boat. On this site you'll find information about our racing schedules, racing results and events. On this site you'll find information about our racing schedules, “Randy Scism and the whole MTI family have treated me so well. hold more friends and is a little less stressful overall. . View Boats For Sale >>, High Performance Boats, Catamaran, Race Boats, Pleasure Boats, Copyright 2020 © MTI – Marine Technology Inc. Powered by. “After having the MTI, I Pratt Miller's success is written in racing's record books, with victories and championships in series that span the spectrum of motorsports. He proceeded to use it in March for the MTI Owners Fun doing trying to park right next to it. He left the 48-footer, “My first boat was the Café Racer and I worked my way up in a few years to a Cigarette 42X. Pratt’s boats included a Cigarette Racing Team 42X we saw him hammering down at the West Michigan Offshore Rock the Coast Fun Run last July as well as the jaw-dropping burnt orange Nor-Tech Hi-Performance Boats 450 Sport center console we spotted him in during the Florida Powerboat Club’s Key West Poker Run in November. MTI is the leader in the manufacturing of High-Performance Racing and Pleasure Catamaran style boats, Center Console Vee-Bottoms, and Twin Outboard Catamarans. hospitality that the people at MTI, Performance Boat Center and more treat you to need a more economical boat and something that is more cruiser friendly, can Pratt has participated in a variety of activities, including motorcycle racing, boat racing, and working in the sales industry. Welcome to our web site! He proceeded to use it in March for the MTI Owners Fun Run in the Florida Keys and then in early May at the Performance Boat Center Spring Fun Run on Central Missouri’s Lake of the Ozarks. The next boat was the 48-foot MTI, which has been a whole new experience. Pratt, who said he’s interested in trying offshore racing one of these days but is uncertain about the economics of it, had several poker runs on his hit-list this season. Pratt is a huge fan of MTI and loves his MTI boat. Terry {Homey} Holmes, Chad Pratt, and Terry Pratt. 16.1k Followers, 2,489 Following, 715 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Alex Pratt (@alexprattracing) Our sales team will walk you through the process of the entire custom build process for your new MTI. He left the 48-footer, which he described as “the coolest thing ever,” at Performance Boat Center, and has returned several times to run it. Hello Like you I'm simply doing my best to get by in a changing world. Photo courtesy Alex Pratt. MTI is the leader in the manufacturing of High-Performance Racing and Pleasure Catamaran style boats, Center Console Vee-Bottoms, and Twin Outboard Catamarans. It’s kind of mind-blowing actually when you think about how hard you can run a boat for such a long length of time and not have anything fail.”, “This is a fun industry and I’ve met some incredible friends because of it,” he continued.

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