I also love Ashley [Santos] and Kyle [Allen] so much, so I was happy to see them back, even if it was only for a few minutes. I haven't seen all the posts yet but there's something I came up with an explanation about ending of the season, I hope it wasn't talked about before. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. And just like every previous ones, I expect to drop out of it mid-season when it inevitably starts becoming nonsense, forced and boring. It’s been an absolute pleasure to foster discussions on the sub this year and I’m thrilled to join you all in conversation about what has undoubtedly been one of the most engaging season finales in awhile. It seems dense. Your thoughts on Apocalypse‘s conclusion? In case anyone missed it, the name tag of guy with the long blonde hair that showed up at the end said Michael Langdon, who is the son of Vivien Harmon (Connie Britton) and the ghost, Tate Langdon (Evan Peters) from Murder House, season 1. When The Apocalypse Happened In AHS Canon. Marie Laveau returns from Hell to help the coven, but Michael is too powerful to contain. American Horror Story rarely ends with a bow. So the bunker is supposed to eschew all technology? The finale also changes one of the season's big episodes: "Return to Murder House." “You start off thinking Coco is one way, and then you find out she’s just the sweetest person who wants to do anything she can to protect Mallory and the coven. It’s like choosing between my children. After they walk inside and see that Devan has murdered his babysitter, a group of Satanists arrive at their door. In just a few weeks’ time, American Horror Story: Apocalypse will air its first episode in the US. The New American Horror Story Timeline Explained. By I suspect that maybe Bunker 3 is built on the same location as the Murder House once was. All rights Mallory's time traveling only killed one incarnation of the Antichrist by getting rid of Michael; destiny can't be thwarted as easily. She says, “You are a woman and a witch. By Andy Swift / November 15 2018, 1:27 … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. While stumbling through all … Last nights episode does include a crossover but so far it seems like you could still enjoy it without knowing anything. However, four years after the events of season 3, Michael rose to power and eventually exhibited signs that he would the next Supreme. Even the more on the nose ones would probably go completely unnoticed if you hadn't seen the season.

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