You can trigger the start of this quest in two ways: either from the message board in southern Sporades or by interacting with Markos at Artemisia Fort. Sharks are easily found throughout the oceans, especially at shipwreck and underwater ruin areas. This side quest is part of ‘She Who Controls the Seas’. Whether the plague will come to Kephallonia through some other means is yet to be seen but if you want to be on the safe side and have the heart to do it, then killing the villagers is probably the safest option. This side quests also starts at the Dirfi Foothills. You get a piece of Theasus’ armor set. Kill this person and take the Olympos Key from him. This quest requires level 34 and rewards you with Physician’s Helmet, drachmae and Xp. Head to the Mycenaean Ruins to retrieve the vials of poison. The captain is in the single cage on the left. From the Adrestia message board, you are prompted to help the rebels of Mykonos Island. Alkibiades give you this quest and tells you to talk to the witness at the Agora. You will find some enemies here which are not that difficult to beat, so you should be able to clear them all without facing any major difficulties. The item can be found in a treasure chest on the lower floor. They are quite close to your location so go ahead and tag all of them before taking them out using the method of your choice. He is near the abandoned ship camp and there will be some tough soldiers to deal with as well. Start this quest by talking to the man at the quest’s location. Once you are through the door, you need to go through the lava-filled rooms by using the rocks on the ground. Talk to her when she stops and then, decide to either kill her or let her go. Having completed ‘Brother in Arms’ mission, speak with Zeuxo in Geronthai, Limnai Marsh to deliver a package to Kalibos located in a camp in Helot Hills. Return the key to Empedokles. Head to the location and speak with the Doctor. At the end of the tour, you either can pay him 3,000 Drachmae for his service or do not give a crap about him by picking up a fight with his two guards. Otherwise, better just go home with XP. Head to the bay to the East and search under the water near the boat. Return to the man to complete the quest. This quest requires level 26 and rewards you with high drachmae and medium xp. Love Letter Blood Letter Head into the woods to find the body. In Mykonos City. Help a concerned wife at Mytilene, Customs Warehouse in Lover’s Bay on Lesbos Island by finding out the fate of her husband who went on the Wolf Hunt. A Family’s Legacy Talk to him and choose between a stealthy approach and charging through the front. In this section of the AC Odyssey Walkthrough, you will discover the complete unfolding of the side quests of Boeotia. This quest requires level 15, in this quest you are asked by a blind Persian who wishes to see the world. A rather pleasure-driven older lady needs some help gathering ingredients. Defend the farmer from the bandits and then talk to him to complete this side quest. He will also attack if you decline to kill the woman. For the medicine, head to the middle floor of Mytilene’s Leader House and grab it from a table. This quest requires level 15 and will reward you with Greaves of Conspiracy, drachmae and XP. This side quest is located in Kephallonia Islands in Mount Ainos. Return to Markos. You can loot Roxana’s body to obtain her shield which is a high-value trade good or bring it to the Statue of Athena in Athens to trigger a short cutscene (Only if you have completed Roxana’s Quests). Choosing to end the dispute diplomatically raises bounty while choosing the violent path leads to a tough fight. Find Bryce in the final Cavern with Medusa. Only look at the Feather Spots and then get to the area of the one which has the treasure to the south of an island. Interact and fight with the trainer there and you will have completed the quest for Spartan Training Sword, XP and Drachmae as rewards. This quest can be found near the Temple of Hephaistos in Greater Athens, Attika. At the Kastalian Fountain East of the Sanctuary of Delphi. The first prisoner can be found inside the warehouse, the second near the water body and the third in the center of the camp. Defeat the guards and speak with the smuggler after which move to Kydonia in the eastern region of Little Egypt. Talk to him to move on to the next quest. He needs you to interact with a symbol on the statue of Zeus at the Temple of Zeus. After completing all the tasks for Diona. A Night to Remember Speak with Dolios the Scout. This quest can be found in the Cave of the Oracle in Reborn Hills, Boeotia. You will now be directed to eliminate Captain Diokles in southeast Kydonia. Defeat Euthymos and interrogate him. Once you have all the Sapphires, return to Photios to complete the quest. It’s Complicated Once all of the enemies have been killed, open the cage of the prisoner and carry him to safety. Climb up to the objective marker. A decline leads you down to the boat. What Lies Below The Surface Red in the Wreckage Must have completed Outlaws of The Marsh and completed the first Conquest Battle. This is another treasure hunting quest. A Growing Sickness This sends you to Silenos Cave on the southern coast of Silver Foothills. Return to Xenia to get the next quest. You need to escort him back. Crewless This quest can be found in Thebes in Cursed Land of Oedipous, Boeotia. Your rewards include Spartan Spear, Drachmae and XP. Find and interact with the symbol on the Statue at the Aphrodite’s Beauty in Pilgrim Hill on Kythera Island. Kill the soldiers that come in your way and investigate the leader. After you complete For The People, return to Kleon to get this quest. Head into the house and complete the investigation. You will be rewarded with gold, XP and access to her second side quest. In this quest, Lykoan needs to gather five mandrake herbs. Speak with the slave and then talk to the Master. Use Ikaros to find the person on the Purple cloak.

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