Aristophanes’ Soul Mate theory goes like this. They feel inadequate and incapable without having found the person who completes them, and they spend more time trying to find their soulmate than they do actually making themselves into who they want to be and experiencing life! Here is a brief Concept of Soulmates entertained by Hindu Dharma. Rather, they represent the steadfastness of our desire to experience the divine. According to the theory, twin flames can love, challenge, teach, and heal each other in a unique, powerful way. | Powered by WordPress. If they are someone who doesn’t like you, but you believe that they are your soulmate, then stalking and obsessing can begin, and that’s where the problems start. [citation needed] The term "soulmate" first appeared in the English language in a letter by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1822. Before we divulge more on this let’s get familiar with the concept of Twin Flames. Both the atoms are combined in these rays until not manifested on the physical plane. This is because on a soul level they are trying to find their soul mates. Just remember there can be a shadow side of trying to fit people into a certain category in your life, including a spiritual category. As a recovering awkward person, Vanessa helps millions find their inner charisma. When you love someone, you grow for them, you grow with them, you change together. “Twin Flames are feminine and masculine counterpart energy of the same energy on the same frequency.”. For example, I’ve seen many people push friends out of their lives because they had found their soulmate and finally felt complete, so much so that they had no room for friends anymore. It’s nice to know that other people out there could have our back and know us at an intimate level that we are not even aware of yet. They function as one, almost like the clichéd two bodies, but one soul theory. This creates a sense of neediness rather than confidence, and it can be detrimental to their happiness. Even if you've never really thought about soul mates and twin flames before, this is the stage at which you begin to believe that there really is a perfect match out there for you. Required fields are marked *. You should feel with your soulmate that disagreements turn into a growing experience instead of a dysfunctional argument. If you are a destiny believer, see if this belief has served you in the past. In this state of absolute consciousness, there are no polarities and therefore no more sorrows; there is only everlasting joy, unconditional love, unlimited compassion and total understanding for all living beings. These are things that people believe with all their heart, and sometimes they believe it so much that it has a negative impact on their life. That also leads me to believe she is meant to teach me what I need to learn – even if, and especially if, it is difficult, or next to impossible. © Phitirat Wongsutinwattana | Dreamstime Stock Photos. Thanks for reading! Explaining instead of fighting, coming together instead of putting up guards, conclusions instead of vicious cycles. It is Aristophanes who presents the Soul Mate theory as an origin story for the human race and who is responsible for this theory that now plagues society. Compromise-able? If so, you’re not alone. Since finding love in life is the focus of the story and finding one’s soul mate ultimately completes a person according to society, the option of being single should presented equally in society and in the media. Whether the Soulmate story is purely a Myth or there is some truth in it, we may never know. When Prakriti and Purusha unite in the Sahasrāra Chakra, knowledge, knower and the object of knowledge become one. It could even be a co-worker that we are drawn to and only associate with at work. Should We Believe In One Of These Soulmate Theories. i.e. And Does It Matter? All that matters in the next life there would be drawn to their soul mates and cycle would be again when they die, over and over again to the end of time. (This story also answers the question of why both sexes of human have nipples.) Of course, we have deal breakers that are there for a reason. Additionally, in Aristophanes’ story the other half would eventually die after wondering aimlessly around the world if it was unable to find “the one” part that completed the original whole. The second type was female connected to female. Friends are there through thick and thin, and we are less likely to break up with our friends if they do something stupid, whereas we will often break up with a lover. A lot of people have their own personal opinion about what a soulmate is, and, in some cases, it can affect their lives in a very negative way. He taught that women and men were made in one body and then separated by the gods, which would mean that half of us is still out there somewhere! This allows an individual to move around, without having to worry about a missing half and travel freely from location to location without having to be worried about the concerns or input from the other half. She regularly leads innovative corporate workshops and helps thousands of individual professionals in her online program People School. He found that people have either: Which camp do you fall in? One-half of the soul manifests the masculine side and other manifests in the feminine side. [1] This may involve similarity, love, romance, platonic relationships, comfort, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, compatibility and trust. Someone will say their partner abuses them or mistreats them, but they are their soulmate so they don’t want to leave them. Since in divination it is believed that two persons acquire a shared fate once they have sex, it becomes possible for someone to have various 'soulmates' (even simultaneously) as read in a tarot card spread. Teaching each other what you need to learn is an inspiring goal for all relationships. Krishna is often referred as Svayam Bhagavan in Gaudiya Vaishnavism theology and Radha is Krishna’s supreme beloved. The other half of your soul is out there, waiting for you to find it, and when you do, you feel connected like never before. Modern society and dating websites adore the concept of the soul mate theory. 5 Other Interesting Theories On Soulmates (And What’s Wrong With Them). Within us, all lies specks of Almighty God – a composition of both the energies feminine and masculine. For me this plays into the concept that you only destined to have one great love. I think a true ‘soulmate’ is someone who challenges you to be better and you do the same for them. (Sources: Mirror of my soul, Shiva and Shakti ,yoganonymous). -  Designed by Thrive Themes There are ways of drawing soulmates together, signs that help point you in the right direction. This is a theory that many people want to believe in when they think of romantic love. A kundalini awakening is one of the effects of coming into contact with your Twin Flame. I’ve seen people hurt their partners in a big way because they believe in this theory, and it doesn’t seem fair to think about your partner, who is there for you every day, as less than other people in life. The next time you are watching a movie, shows, or reading a book where two star struck and star crossed lovers miraculously end up together, you can thank Plato’s friend Aristophanes’ for his story from the Symposium. The problem with this theory is that some people become obsessed with finding their soulmate. When something negative happens in the relationship they think, “Better work this out.”. Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People, How to Network: 18 Easy Networking Tips You Can Use Today, How to Improve Your Memory: 7 Science Backed Strategies, The Psychology of How People React to Videos. Social Warfare Plugin Review: Do You Really Need This Plugin? They often view compromising as growth. Her groundbreaking book, Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People has been translated into more than 16 languages. Plato, the philosopher, may have started this theory. 14 Ways To Celebrate Valentine’s Day Single Without Having An Obligatory Dreadful Date, 10 Reasons Why Millennials Are Not Marrying, 3 Advantages Of Being Single And Not Having A Family, How To Be Single In 5 Simple Steps (Even If You Don’t Want To Be Single), 5 Ways How to Deal with Loneliness During the Coronavirus Pandemic. One type was male connected to male. Congratulations, Ian! We tend to believe that adapting our refitting our ideas to someone else’s is a sign of weakness.

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