[3a] Of course, the ship continues to house Chapter honors and relics. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. [2] Her foredeck is so large that it can dock a dozen large cruisers[1] and has developed its own ecosystem, complete with unique species of animal life that have had their own evolutionary history aboard the ship. [8], Codex Supplement: Imperial Fists (8th Edition), https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Phalanx&oldid=412835. Unknown The picture doesn't tell us much but the Dark Age of Technology origin is almost certainly the current canon as far as I know. Tidally locked against its dying star, perpetual darkness soaks one side of the planet, faded sunlight the other. [12], There are various descriptions on the general shape and exterior character of the ship. These factors make a certain kind of people: strong, grim and dedicated to the survival of the whole rather than the individual. Inwit at present is one of only two known primary recruiting worlds for the Neophytes of the Imperial Fists Chapter of Space Marines, along with the Hive World of Necromunda. Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 18 – Return to Terra. At one end of the smaller corridor was a hall for dining and a chamber surrounded with plain glass for meetings. Its star is old and withered, bleeding the last of its heat as cold, red light. The concourse was huge, over 100 meters high with a domed ceiling decorated with Legionary and Chapter victories. Both ships are massively powerful, and currently in a stalemate. Under the ice crust, thick seas flow in sluggish tides and pale and sightless creatures swim the waters, hunting by vibration and a preternatural taste for blood. Several famed members of the Imperial Fists Legion came from the ice tribes of Inwit, including Captain Alexis Polux. Very little is known about this world in current Imperial records. The Phalanx was damaged during the battle, and with traitor forces closing in around them Dorn ordered Imperial Army Admiral Niora Su-Kassen to take the Phalanx into the outer reaches of the Sol System in order to both save it and wage war on the traitor rear lines. The vessel now operates on a level not seen in countless years. Population Caliban was just a feudal world, yet they had motherfucking power armor to equip their "knights" with. At the other end was a massive staircase leading to a kilometers long hall containing various trophies of conquest. With each conquest their culture and learning grew, but Inwit itself remained unchanged even as it became the centre of a stellar empire. The ice hives and clan disputes remained and while their world birthed starships and ringed its orbits with weapon stations, its rulers kept to the old ways, the ways that had created their strength, the warlords and matriarchs who commanded armies amongst the stars still living lives little easier than their vassals. https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Inwit?oldid=366688. During the final stages of the Solar War, Dorn intended to use the Phalanx to shatter the traitor armada emerging on Luna and Mars and personally took command of the vessel. During the Great Crusade, the awesome magnitude of the ship served as a symbol of the coming era of the Imperium. Unknown Inwit also serves as a sector fleet base for the Imperial Navy and the assembly ground for local Astra Militarum regiments. Inwit is an Imperial Ice World and the capital world of the Inwit Cluster of the Segmentum Solar. and the Necron Fleet as a whole. Thus, during the War of the Beast, the Phalanx was moved to the area of space between Terra and Venus so as to not risk it against the Ork Attack Moons. [8], As of 999.M41, the 3rd Company is defending Phalanx from a Daemonic boarding action led by Iron Warriors Warsmith Shon'tu and the Daemon Be'lakor. Unknown Inwit is best known for being the homeworld of Rogal Dorn, the Primarch of the Imperial Fists Legion, who spent a significant portion of his life on Inwit before he was rediscovered by his father the Emperor of Mankind during the Great Crusade in the late 30th Millennium. Phalanx is gigantic, the size of a small moon and is said to shine like a star. Tithe Grade The warriors of Inwit are raised to endure and survive. Dorn claimed to have risen to have become the Emperor and Warlord of Inwit and its entire star system and to have either discovered or constructed the massive starship later used as a mobile fortress-monastery by the Imperial Fists known as the Phalanx. Unknown Orbital Radius When Cadia was destroyed, the Phalanx led the Imperial evacuation fleet out of the system. ISD I (EU) vs Cobra Class Destroyer. The origins of Phalanx are contested in the background material, of which there are two accounts: For much of the Horus Heresy, the Phalanx was stationed over Terra and used as the command base of Dorn. It should also be noted that High Charity is so large that it also supports its own ecosystem inside the ship. The Super star destroyer and death star are really the only two things that can match the bigger imperial ships by tonnage. During the Great Crusade, the awesome magnitude of the ship served as a symbol of the coming era of the Imperium.
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